So y'all know I love a kitchen gadget. One of the main reasons I began selling Pampered Chef was to support my love for quality kitchen tools. I honestly believe if you invest in good quality kitchen utensils and products, you will enjoy your time in the kitchen all the more. I have expensive pots and pans, and expensive, sharp knives. My cleaning time and prep time is cut literally in half by having those two things. A good sharp knife can change your relationship with the way you feel about cooking, I promise it can. Pots and pans that clean right up in about ten seconds, no matter what was in them, makes you more apt to use those pots and pans and more often. I have the Pampered Chef pots and pans and the Pampered Chef knife block set. I highly recommend both, even if you don't buy them from me.

But my new favorite gadget I actually got on clearance at Michael's for $3 while I was home in Alabama. It's a thick batter whisk. It's in the cake decorating section at Michael's. Y'all, this is awesome. It's great for brownies, muffin mixes, and the like. Things you don't use an electric mixer for, but batters really too thick to be whisked with a normal wire whisk. (I hate having to stick my fingers in between the wires and clean them out every ten strokes when using a normal whisk). Awesome. I'm all for stuff that makes cooking easier.
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